
10 Tequila Facts That Will Make You Look Like A Connoisseur

© nolonely / Dollar Photo Club

1. Why do we drink tequila with salt and lime?

In 1930, Northern Mexico was hit hard with an epidemic of Spanish influenza. Doctors at the time believed that tequila was the best remedy to fight the disease. They prescribed it with luime and salt, and with that, a tradition was born.

2. Contrary to popular belief, a worm is NEVER present in a bottle of tequila.

Craft Beer Styles for Beginners

© Joshua Rainey / Dollar Photo Club

So you’re new to craft beer. After hearing how great it is from friends, neighbors, relatives and internet strangers, you’ve decided to take the plunge and surround yourself with a deluge of, brands, beer styles and flavors. Your thirst (pun intended) for knowledge has brought you to this glorious site and upon this little musing.

I like your style.

3 Biggest Mistakes When Introducing Someone to Craft Beer

© Todd Taulman / Dollar Photo Club

For all the progress craft beer has made in the past few decades—reaching an all-time high brewery count and successfully reinventing America’s beer palate—there’s still a large portion of the population that doesn’t get craft beer. To reach the Brewers Association’s aspirational goal of helping craft beer reach 20 percent market share by 2020, as craft beer fans, we’re going to have to be even bigger and louder advocates for our favorite breweries.

20 Love-Inspired Libations

© 5ph / Dollar Photo Club

Set the mood this V-Day with these sip-worthy cocktails, inspired by the Feb. 14 holiday. From romantic red concoctions to blissful bubbly, we've rounded up 20 sweet, tart, and fruity drinks for you to toast to a romantic night in or to share with gal pals at a Valentine's Day singles soirée.


1. Redhead in Bed

If you're feeling frisky, whip up this suggestively named strawberry and vodka sipper.
